French PRess
The French Press is an extraction equipment to extract coffee by an immersion process. The method involving the French Press consists of pouring hot water on top of ground coffee that are contained within the glass walls of the French Press. The hot water will mix with the coffee and the extraction of soluble compounds will happen inside the container. This type of method is simple and straightforward, and it will produce a stronger fuller bodied cup of coffee when compared to percolation method extractions.
What you’LL need:
-Whole bean coffee (we strongly suggest good coffee)
-Coffee grinder (Hario Mini-Slim Plus will be used for reference)
-French Press
-Heating kettle (preferably a gooseneck kettle with thermometer)
-Grams of coffee in: 20g
-Ground Coffee:Water ratio 1:15 (will yield approximately 280g of brewed coffee or coffee out)
-Water temperature: 208°F (assuming medium/light roast coffee is being used, for darker roasts use water at around 186°F)
-Grind setting: 10 clicks on Hario Mini-Slim Plus grinder or a medium grind size
-Finish time: 4:00min
-Actions at time t(:0, 4:00 and 9:00):
@t(:0) Pour 300g of water
@t(4:00) Stir and clean crust
@t(9:00) Serve using plunger as strainer (do not plunge through the coffee)
Step by step:
Set your recipe. For the purpose of this instructions we will use the recipe listed above.
Pour water into the kettle and set it on the stove on high to boil the water. If you are using an electric kettle set the temperature to 209°F.
While the water boils, weight out 20g of coffee beans to grind.
Grind the coffee at the grind size setting 10 using the Hario Mini Slim Plus grinder. This is only a guideline for the Hario grinder and you may have to adjust grind setting depending on the results at the end of the extraction. Be sure to assess, adjust and repeat if needed!.
Place the French Press on top of the scale, place the ground coffee inside the French Press and tare the scale.
Once the water temperature is above 209°F (192°F for darker roasts), or boiling, take the kettle out of the heat source.
Start the timer (t:0) and immediately pour the 300g of water making sure to hit all the grounds.
Wait until the 4:00 mark to stir the crust using a spoon. Proceed to remove the foam and grounds on top by scooping them with the spoon.
Let your coffee sit. Don’t worry, your coffee will not over extract during this time.
Take your time enjoy the aromas of your coffee.
This is a great time to pre-heat your cups by pouring excess hot water from your kettle into your cups.
At the 9:00 mark, now that the temperature of your coffee will allow you to drink it and the grounds have settled, place and push the plunger just so it sits right above the liquid coffee. Do not press all the way down.
Remove the water from your pre-heated cups and serve your freshly brewed coffee.
“Great technique is only going to give you transparency on your ingredients”
-James Hoffman